Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Short Freewrite on Hall"s “Animals Aloft” and “Silent Skyhooks”

Keep in mind the freewrite rules I explained in class and compose a 3-minute freewrite on the chapter you were not assigned for today's class. Respond to only one the questions below for that chapter. Post your freewrite as a comment here to this topic.

– What was the most interesting idea in the chapter and why did you find that so interesting? 

– What details did Hall use in the chapter and what did those details add to your understanding of topics?

– What role does New Mexico play in the events related in the chapter, other than simply a location?

– What choices did historical people make in the chapter that you question and were those choices defensible at the time or would they be defensible today?

– What is different about how we would manage similar events and topics today than how they were handled in the historical time Hall writes about in the chapter?

NEWS: UNM, NASA scientists find depletion of halogens due to Giant Impact

So many connections exist between NM and Space that I have decided to start posting on our blog news stories I find reflecting that connection. All of us in my class should feel free to help me with this project and post any news about such connections that you find with a title that starts "NEWS." See the news story below.

From UNM News Minute #1,541 - September 14, 2020

... In new research, authored by University of New Mexico graduate student Tony Gargano and scientists from UNM's Center for Stable Isotopes, in collaboration with scientists from NASA’s Johnson Space Center, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) titled Chlorine isotope composition and halogen contents of Apollo-return samples, researchers focused on chemical analyses of highly reactive elements including fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine (halogens).

For full story, see http://news.unm.edu/news/unm-nasa-scientists-find-depletion-of-halogens-due-to-giant-impact